After February 3, 2025, this chemical substance (as defined in TSCA section 3(2))/product cannot be distributed in commerce to retailers. After January 28, 2026, this chemical substance (as defined in TSCA section 3(2))/product is and can only be distributed in commerce or processed with a concentration of methylene chloride equal to or greater than 0.1% by weight for the following purposes: (1) Processing as a reactant; (2) Processing for incorporation into a formulation, mixture, or reaction product; (3) Processing for repackaging; (4) Processing for recycling; (5) Industrial or commercial use as a laboratory chemical; (6) Industrial or commercial use as a bonding agent for solvent welding; (7) Industrial and commercial use as a paint and coating remover from safety critical, corrosion-sensitive components of aircraft and spacecraft; (8) Industrial and commercial use as a processing aid; (9) Industrial and commercial use for plastic and rubber products manufacturing; (10) Industrial and commercial use as a solvent that becomes part of a formulation or mixture, where that formulation or mixture will be used inside a manufacturing process, and the solvent (methylene chloride) will be reclaimed; (11) Industrial and commercial use in the refinishing for wooden furniture, decorative pieces, and architectural fixtures of artistic, cultural or historic value until May 8, 2029; (12) Industrial and commercial use in adhesives and sealants in aircraft, space vehicle, and turbine applications for structural and safety critical non-structural applications until May 8, 2029; (13) Disposal; and (14) Export.